Friday, December 30, 2005

down down down time

well, i have certainly been resting up the last few days here in B-town. the weather doesn't help any either. just when i thought i couldn't handle any more grayness, it started to rain today.

oh the upside, i have been able to catch up on a few season's of america's next top model. why i love that show so much, i really can't say, but it's v. addicting when vh1 shows episodes back to back. Here's a blog from one of the ex-contestants which is actually pretty entertaining:

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

I heart going out to breakfast in SD

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Which is why I went to the Mission 3X during my one week visit. mmmmmmm.

This clip is of Ann and Karl chatting during breakfast yesterday. Fascinating conversation! :) miss you.

Friday, December 23, 2005

hi, my name is jorli and i am addicted to making short videos

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yesterday, i wandered around la jolla most of the afternoon. the waves have been ridiculously huge this week, and although they were biggest on wednesday, i still went down to take a look. it was predictably overcast at the beach, and at least 20 degrees cooler than a few miles inland. the other pics in this clip are from the stephen birch aquarium.

be sure to turn your volume on before you hit play.

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Grandma Alice - testing the vlog frontier

Kevin Wickham suggested I start video-blogging. I'm not really sure how this works, but I'm determined to figure it out.

This video I took yesterday when we were trimming my grandma's christmas tree. My grandma cracks me up. Actually, this video was a little bit longer and funnier, but i'm having technical difficulties. I'll work on this later. (Director's note: my voice is waaay louder than it should be in this b/c i was holding the camera. I will try to be quiter in the future.)

View this clip on Vimeo


After a week of feeling lost and aimless without the use of my computer (for the most part), I am happy to report that my power cord is functioning again. It is probably on its last leg, but at least it is working for now.

Right now I am at my fav coffee house in Golden Hill - influx. Here's a few pics. The reed looking things on the top are planted outside and are fun to pull apart and put back together. They are like nature's legos. okay...clearly, i don't have a lot to do right now.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

i love snow.

it didn't stick though. just my luck. oh well.
I'm sure I'll get over my snow infatuation sometime, just not anytime soon.

Sunday, November 27, 2005

nightwatch man

i was just coming home tonight after getting a drink, and i came across our building's nightwatch man hanging out in his little alcove. he was just sitting there munching on a bag of Cheetos, and it nearly made me stop in my tracks. I just said hi and kept walking, but it made me think - what is this man doing here, eating Cheetos and watching some building that will never be burgled in this sleepy little town? he's at least eighty years old and i wonder what made him end up here of all places. it just bothers me for some reason, but what do i know? i'm tired and sleepy.

Saturday, November 26, 2005


As you know, my digital camera has been dead, dead, dead for about 6 months now. It was stuck in the on position, and no amount of fresh new batteries could make it do more than whir and sputter.

So imagine my surprise when I put some new batteries in it yesterday, and it came back to life. It is working perfectly now and I am beside myself. Who know why this happened, but I'm not going to question it.

This could really not come at a more convenient time as I have recently become obsessed with Vice Magazine's Do and Don'ts ( - thanks to my brother giving me a compliation book of them last month during my visit to SF. I am inspired to now snap shots of notably dressed strangers at every turn and mock them in this forum, although I am still a bit afraid to actually take their pictures on the sly. If I could be half as funny as the guy that writes that column for Vice, I think I would die happy.

BTW, these pics at the top are 1) my fav chair, bought for only $10, that just hangs out in my bedroom for no reason whatsoever and 2) the bizarre glass passageway in my building that looks like it should be in Versailles or the Tavern on the Green or something.

Thursday, November 24, 2005


I am stufffffed. Well, actually it's been a few hours since we ate, and I am recovering nicely. Quite a dinner Ames and I made though. I wish we coulda taken pictures. I was not worried about most of the cooking, but was terrified to make gravy. Everyone always talks about how hard it is, but once we got through the whole giblet/no giblets debate(we decided on none), it was no trouble at all. I don't know why people whine about it so much.

Later we saw Walk the Line. Loved it. I think I should put on some Johnny Cash right now.

Oh, and last thing. I bought my ticket for Chile yesterday. So i'm really going. Jan 1st through February 15th. Phew.

Sunday, November 13, 2005


(pic of Raya with her chocolate turkey from See's candy.)
Just got home from a trip out to SF. Man am I homesick now. Probably more so because it's pretty unlikely I'll be moving back to California anytime soon. At least I got to see a lot of friends and family. And I'll be back to SD next month. And, yes...I realize that it's my choice to live so far away (but that doesn't mean i don't regret it a little sometimes).

Okay, quite recap of my day. It was long.

wake up waaay too early
car to rental car place
bus to air train
air train to SFO
plane to Dallas
air train to other terminal
shuttle bus to really far away terminal
realized that we are at wrong terminal
take the bus back
miss plane!
rest, get a latte, check mail
air train to other terminal
plane to Indy
shutte bus to car
car to Trader Joe's
swing by Chipotle
drive an hour home
get distracted by blog (right now)
sleep (soon, I hope)


Sunday, November 06, 2005

Nobody Puts Baby In the Corner

Last night was a refreshing night on the town in B-town. I had no intentions of going out, but after a few very potent glasses of sangria at the Latin MBA club pre-party, I put on a twirly skirt and headed to Second Story for salsa night. It was my first time there, and it seemed very much like a scene out of Dirty Dancing. More specifically, I felt like Jennifer Grey at the beginning of the movie when she really sucked at dancing. No matter though, it was loads of fun anyway. It was nice to get my mind of school and interviewing for a minute, and focus on other matters such as how badly I speak Spanish. I'm still a little worried about my upcoming trip to Chile in January. Thank heavens my classes will be in English!

Thursday, November 03, 2005


Right now, my life consists mainly of studying or practicing for interviews. Quite the exciting life I lead.

Oh, here's a pic from Halloween though. Much to my chagrin, I dressed up (Happy Birthday Amy!). That night turned out to be pretty interesting, and not just when I ran my head into a pole on the front porch because I was laughing so hard at Bmac's Scarface impression. ("You want to know something about girls?...They like ice cream.) Our team dominated flip cup, which is one of the more important skills I have learned in the last year and a half.

Monday, October 24, 2005


(1:26 PM - Monday) In Chicago right now visiting Candice, Paul and Benny (the anonymous looking pug pictured below). The sun just came out after much rain. Having a hard time adjusting to not having a million things to do. Perhaps I will get used to it.

Okay, so I adjusted just fine to few days of relaxation. We spent most of our time watching episodes from the first season of Lost and playing Diner Dash. In this pic, we are playing Trivial Pursuit at the bar just down the street. I deviated from the beer routine I have adopted in grad school and drank rum and cokes like the good ol' days when Can and I lived in PB.

This weekend was productive in one has confirmed that I must live in a big city when I graduate. Crossing my fingers on that one.

Thursday, September 29, 2005


Last night, I got shot in my dream. It was one of those long, complicated dreams that doesn't make any sense when you wake up. (Well, I guees most dreams don't make sense.) For some reason, my friend had to shoot me, but he shot me in the left hip to minimize the chance that it would hurt me. Then, I refused to go to the hospital for some reason, and just had this little whole in my left side for the rest of the dream. Weird. I guess I'm glad I don't remember my dreams very often.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Estoy Enferma and other things

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Here's a pic of me and Ames' balcony. This was our inagural bruch (a few weeks ago). Ames is on the left, Wags is on the right.

Yes, yes, i've sucked more than normal at my blog. So, here's a quick summary of my life lately. I'm sick, last weekend i thought i broke my ring finger (but it seems to be healing well enough now), I was in an MBA fashion show and i managed not to trip and fall, and most days, I am very stressed out about interviewing for full time jobs.

Oh, the plus side, I love my apt. Especially the balcony. I really like my classes. And next week I'm going to New York with some friends from school to visit companies and to have fun. I'll prob have to study while i'm there, but whatever.

Sorry this posting is so boring. I'll write more often.

Sunday, September 11, 2005

Nice catch Dad

My dad just e-mailed me this pic of him and this fish he caught. (Fishing is his new pasttime. He gets many less broken ribs fishing than playing soccer.) The funny thing is that he caught this fish off the beach right near his house in Cardiff. Who knew they had fish that big right there in the surf? I was always too preoccupied with the sting rays to worry about fish, I guess.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

This blog is just hobbling along

So, good news. My neighbor just paid me $140 to trade parking spots with him. Granted, the parking spot I had was pretty sweet, and I'm not the best perpindicular parker. (Note: I do excel in parallel parking.) Still, his car is much bigger than my little Focus, so it was the nice to do, I guess. Let's just hope I don't crash into the pole next to my new spot.

Incidentally, my room is going on 4 days now being insanely spotless. I'm not sure how long I can keep this up, but it sure is fun for now.

Not much else new. Lots of school. Every night before I fall asleep I've still been reading from a non-school book. Too bad the one I'm reading right now is insanely depressing. All the people are starving and killing babies - it's horrible. On a lighter note, I just finished The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay which was super.

Friday, September 02, 2005

Slow Cooker Overdrive

I am clearly too busy lately to blog. Or to have fun doing things like say...sleeping properly. What is taking all of my time, you may wonder?

Crock pots. We're doing this case on crock pots and I am just over it. We're presenting tomorrow though, so that's a relief. Have to be at school at 7 in the AM. Damn it. I really can't even say if our presentation is any good either. It could really go either way. I'll let you know.

Friday, August 26, 2005

"And Always Searching for Beauty"

I saw this painting by Joan Snyder and figured it is a pretty good representation of my life right now. I'm all o v e r the place. Run ragged. Even during sleep, which I can count on to be dreamless pretty much always, my mind has been throwing me unexpected adventures lately. Enough already.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

The Back-up Pilot

--- i apologize in advance for this being an uncharacteristically long posting. i was on the plane and didn't have much to entertain me -----

I have no desire to talk to people on planes. This is a little strange since normally I talk on and on with anybody who will listen. I think the difference is that you can't escape the conversation on planes if you want to, unlike if you are at a bar or a party or something.

Yesterday, while I was waiting to board my connecting flight to Chicago, this older man sat down in the seat next to me. (There was clearly many other open seats in the area, so I right from the start I figured he would be a talker.)

Without so much as a hello, he pulled out a leather American Airlines embossed ticket holder thing and said, "It's good to know that there will be someone else to fly the plane if anything happens to the pilots."

"Hmmmm," I answered, but I thinking, What?! Is that supposted to be impressive? Or perhaps comforting? I found this comment extremely annoying. First of all, plane crashes or pilot catastrophes are the last thing on my mind when I'm getting on a plane. I'm much more concerned with things I can control, like what do I have enough reading material and how charged my ipod is. Still, that is exactly the kind of thing that would freak out a person that is afraid of flying.

He went on to tell me that he was on his way to the Bahamas. That he went there every month in fact. "Wow, that's nice," I said. I really don't know how to respond to comments like that. Congratulations?

I'm sure I sound pretty cynical, but I don't understand people that try so hard to impress strangers. Such a waste of your efforts.

Oh, on another topic. Last night, my mom and Casey and I went out to dinner in SF after they got off of work. We were talking so loud that the table next to us had to move. That's happened before, but not for awhile. So all you guys that always tell me to keep my voice down when I'm telling some story really loudly, keep in mind that my loudness is genetically predisposed. Actually, if you've met my mom before, then you already know that.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Laugh out loud?

LOL is rampantly overused in instant messaging and e-mail. I think it should really be reserved for when you actually laugh out loud. It's a close cousin to people saying "that's funny" after you tell a joke. If it is actually funny, the correct response is to laugh.

Monday, August 08, 2005

Splenda Mennnnnnnntos

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It's been a week since I've blogged? Where does the time go? I'm really too tired to blog right now actually. All I can do is post of pic of this fabulous sugar free mentos. Try 'em.

Monday, August 01, 2005

The Story of a Swiss Girl?

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Good news!! My cousin Lisa in SF and her husband Mario are expecting another baby in January. Very exciting...Raya will be a big sister now. What's more exciting than that, you may ask? Lisa called me on Saturday to say that if it's a girl, they are going to name her Jorli. I think it's the best idea ever as it would be out of the question for me to name any of my kids Jorli. With two of us in the world, maybe I won't have to tell people how to spell it so often. Plus, it may catch on as a name in Bulgaria too. Thanks to Mario for being so persistent!

They find out the sex on August 12. Cross your fingers.

Home Sweet Home

I've totally put off posting pics of the house I'm living at this summer. Mainly b/c my real camera broke I have to use my limpy little camera phone nowadays. But still, I don't want to forget what it looks like.

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This is taken from on the dock, looking out to the left. I'm a big fan of the lounge chairs, but a bigger fan of the water. On the right is this floating trampoline thing my roommate just bought. It's really not as fun as you think it would be.

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This is what it looks like when you walk from the back of the house to the lake. I can't believe the summer is almost gone. Back to B-town in 2 weeks.

Monday, July 25, 2005

When did your head get to be so big?

Another picture from my brother. Casey, honestly, you need to get your own blog.

That being said, of course I'm going to post this picture though b/c it kicks ass.

Sunday, July 24, 2005

Why Beverages?

I took this pic today of this cold green tea that is one of my favorite refreshments ever (probably second only to vitamin water, and maybe tied actually). That really isn't interesting in itself, I know, but I realized for the first time that I tend to take pictures of beverages all the time. Which is odd, especially b/c it hardly ever occurs to me to take pictures in the first place. So, why beverages? Plus, the best painting I've ever done is of a cappucino. So, I don't know. It's odd. Maybe I'm just thirsty. I don't think that's it though.

Shady Dealings in Chinatown

On Saturday, I was stopped on the street in Chinatown by this lady, who said she could lead my friend and I to some really nice purses. We followed her about three blocks, through a closed restaurant, up a sketchy elevator to one of those secret little shops selling fake bags and Tiffany jewelery. Honestly, after all the drama getting there, I probably would have bought whatever they were selling. What a genius marketing ploy. Even if I was being had, I had a fun time doing it.

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Highlight of the Week: (NEW FEATURE)

Last week's highlight of the week was late night Japanese karaoke on Sat (Sun really). Songs included (not all sung by me) - Brass Pocket by the Pretenders, Let's Stay Together by Al Green and Summer Nights / Grease.

Incidentally, the low light of the week had to be killing the kiwi-sized spider in my room. I don't know how much longer I can stand these crawly things in my place o' sleeping.

My brother wanted me to post this picture

Friday, July 15, 2005


I just checked my last two postings. They are both about TV. That makes me kind of sad, but the main reason for this is because I am editing myself quite a bit on this blog. It's important to edit a blog, because damn it, anyone can read it. But on the other hand, editing too much leaves you with a blog about TV.

Anyway, right now I am waiting to go out tonight. No idea where we're going exactly, but I'm sure that will work itself out soon enough.

Oh Lucky Day

Another season of Surreal Life and Celebrity Fit Club. It's like watching a train wreck in slow motion, excpet nobody gets hurts. Well, except for their feelings. Count me in.

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

The Daily Show

I have no idea how to get tickets to the Daily Show. I looked on the website, but no info there, and that's as far as I go. I would really like them just to appear in my hand.

Anyway, I'm watching the show right now. They changed the whole set, and I'm not a big fan of the new look. Oh well.

Monday, July 04, 2005

I F'ing Love the MOMA

Don't know why I didn't go here earlier. So, here's some paintings as seen through my crappy camera phone.


van gogh


Coffee Drink of Choice?

So, I am really not high maintenence at all, but I have the most annoying coffee order at Sbucks. (Grande 2-pump sugar free vanilla soy latte) Anyway, it's pretty embarrasing to order, but I can't help it, I like it. So, I'm wondering what you all order for coffee.

Friday, July 01, 2005

Now I really miss home

So, check this out. just came out with their yearly rankings of the world's best beer and a San Diego Brewery took not only the number 1 slot, but three of the top ten. In the world. Take that, Germany! (For those of you not familar with the area, Solana Beach is also in SD.)
1. AleSmith Brewing Co. San Diego, CA USA
2. Three Floyds Brewing Co. Munster, IN USA
3. Stone Brewing Co. San Diego, CA USA
4. Westvleteren Abdij St. Sixtus Westvleteren Belgium
5. Hair of the Dog Brewing Co. Portland, OR USA
6. De Dolle Brouwers Diksmuide Belgium
7. Kalamazoo Brewing Co. Kalamazoo, MI USA
8. Pizza Port (Solana Beach) Solana Beach, CA USA
9. Dogfish Head Brewery Milton, DE USA
10. Fuller, Smith & Turner London UK

Oh, and I'd like to give some props to my second home coming in at #2 - go Indiana.

For more info, here's a link to the full article:

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

i heart NY

just wanted to make a short list of things i love about new york:
1. pizza - not a big surprise
2. the subway - just so insanely convenient
3. random people watching
4. random people meeting
5. not being bored
6. wandering around aimlessly
7. wandering around and you realize that you know where you are
8. priceline for hotels (for us weekend Westchester commuters)

not such a fan of:
1. freakin' humidity
2. hemorraging cash (i.e. $3.95 diet coke)
3. walking in heels
4. that lady in washington square park that was sitting on a bench flossing her teeth for about a 1/2 hour (thanks for pointing that out Wags)

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Monday, June 27, 2005

Where Do These People Come From?

I took this pic on Saturday night when Amber and I were heading back to our hotel in Times Square. We got a really good deal on Priceline for the room, and the location is mighty convenient for getting around, but man, do the tourists really suck around there. Honestly, you can't walk 15 feet without the person in front of you stopping to take a pic of the Hershey's chocolate store or something. Not that you can really tell when they stop b/c they walk so frickin' slow in general all the time.

I know, I know, some of you may be saying that I am a tourist too, and I agree - I sort of am. After all, I am on one long extended vacation here this summer. But still, there are different classes of tourists, and the ones around Times Square are at the bottom of the food chain.

So, this weekend was actually pretty great - we saw a play (A Streetcar Named Desire), layed out in Central Park, watched the Gay Pride Parade, and ate at this great Cuban restaurant.

BTW, true to my last posting, I'm going to be writing more often. Maybe not as long or with pics, but this blog is as much my journal as anything, and I feel like I'm letting stuff slip through the cracks.
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Stay Tuned...

I just wanted to acknowledge the fact that I clearly suck lately at posting blogs. Sorry. Luckily, I've discovered that my cell phone camera will be a fine (well, adequate) stand-in for my incapacitated digital camera. I mean, the pics may be a little fuzzy, but try think of that as some kind of artsy touch.

So anyway, i promise that I will post more often from now on - starting tonight. I know that everyone says that, but I'm the only one you should believe.

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

I don't know why I love these kind of tests so much, but I just do

So, I was sent this test that tells you if you are more right or left brained. Really short test and pretty cool. If you want a copy, let me know and I will sent you the program. Here's what it said about me...

Jorli, you display a strong right-hemisphere dominance and an equally strong auditory processing preference, a most unusual and conflicting set of characteristics!

Your right hemisphere dominance causes you to perceive things in the whole, ignoring details. It also implies that you are emotional rather than logical in your learning, and you possess an inherent tendency to process material randomly. Rather than organize or plan, you attack materials voraciously. It seems inefficient, but it serves you well.

Tempering your strong right-brain tendencies is your auditory processing mode, which causes you to take in information sequentially and lower your intensity level to a manageable level.

You can be a lyrical and fascinating speaker if at times difficult to follow.

You are disorganized and have piles of stuff lying everywhere. Unfortunately, you have a hard time relocating things unless you verbally state to yourself where you are putting something and then remind yourself what you are looking for when you need it.

Sunday, June 12, 2005

Scotland Forever

Last night Judy and I met a bunch of British and Scottish guys, who were in town for a wedding. I was thoroughly smitten with one of them - a tall, good lcoking, Scottish soccer player. (Don't think there could be a better combination. Scottish is my favorite accent ever.) Anyway, we teamed up for a game of beer pong. (We won.) Too bad he's going back to Scotland in a week.

Oh, yeah, and this other guy looked just like Ewan McGregor, but he had a mullet. Even with the mullet, he kind of had an attitude like he was too cool for school. Go figure.

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Say it isn't so!

My camera has gone and died on me. I don't know what happened, but what the hell am I supposed to do about my blog now? I didn't even drop it or anything. Man. We all know that I can't be entertaining on here by words alone. Oh well, a lot of the time I just search for pictures to use on google anyway.

Friday, June 03, 2005

See Casey Graduate

This is my brother Casey getting an award for being a superstar Linguistics student. Look how happy and mild-mannered he looks! But don't let that fool you. Case, remember that time that you vacuumed my foot while I was playing the piano? Or when you locked me and the babysitter out of the house? Or when you got Dad's 4Runner stuck and then covered it up with mud to try to hide it? Good times. I hope I can make it out for your graduation next weekend. I'm so excited for you!!

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Tom F. Chapman, who do you think you are?!

So, I realized that I haven't been taking many pictures lately, so I'm digging through some other recent ones that I neglected to post. This pic is from my friend Dawn's going away party a few weeks ago in San Diego (good luck in SF!). There are a couple of interesting things about this picture: (a) Notice that Tom is reading the all time children's classic, Jorli, The Story of a Swiss Boy (if you haven't read it yet, let me know and I'll lend you a copy), (b) His 40 oz. of Old English Malt Liquor is covered by a Jack n' the Box brown paper bag that he stopped at the drive through specifically just to get the bag. Oh, and the reason for the title of this posting is that Tom refuses to read any blog, even mine. C'mon, Tom...who do you think you are? Man, wise up.

Saturday, May 28, 2005

Hey Sailor!

Thursday night we went into the city for a company Happy Hour. Much to my delight...this week is "Fleet week" in NYC. Needless to say, we had a mightly good time, although I still think the interns could drink the sailors under the table. Yet again this was one those Sex and the City moments I was thrilled to be re-creating. Some I-banker guy was trying to buy a uniform from one of the sailors in order to improve his odds with the ladies. Whatever he paid, I'm sure it was worth every penny...

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Warning: Do Not Let This Dog Near Your Hot Tub

This is Rocky. Rocky is my roommate's dog and he's only a year old, so he still likes to chew lots of things. Apparently, he also likes to jump into the hot tub like he tried to tonight. Last time I was in, he ran off with my robe and untied the back of my bathing suit by biting the string. Still, the hot tub seemed like the best way to get warm (it's only 45 degrees right now!), but not exactlyl relaxing.

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

"If you see gum on the street, don't pick it up - it's not free candy."

Ah, so I made it to New York. It was a long drive, and despite some atrocious mapquest directions, I found my new home for the summer. It's very beautiful and my room looks out onto the lake. I haven't gotten around to taking pictures, but I will.

Yesterday, I went into Manhattan to meet some friends. I was pretty proud of myself for finding my way down there (very easy via train actually) and to various locations, although this one homeless guy on the subway told me that I didn't look "like I was from around here." That kind of bothered me, since I didn't even have my map out.

I'm gonna lay low for the next couple of days, but go back down on Friday to hang out with Judy and other Kelley students. Also, I'm still working on the internet access at my house, so I cannot return e-mails, etc. very quickly. Also, sorry if I'm kind of boring on this posting. Am exhausted from driving around, losing wallet, etc. Plus, I should prob eat something.

Sunday, May 15, 2005

Bryan Adams Works in Mysterious Ways

Bryan Adams has achieved legendary status this year in the Kelley MBA Admissions Office. Essentially, we are all fascinated by the fact that, against all odds, he still has a substantial fan base around the world, especially in parts of Asia. In a nutshell, Bryan Adams is to India as David Hasselhof is to Germany. So, although the following story (uncovered by fellow Bryantastic fan Kevin Wickham) is amazing, it is hardly surprising:

Woman wakes from seven year coma at Bryan Adams concert
A German woman has woken up from a seven year coma after she was taken in a wheelchair to see Bryan Adams in concert. Christiane Kittel, now 24, was a pupil at her local school in Regensburg, when she fell into a coma. Doctors diagnosed a lung embolism and, despite emergency surgery to save her life, Christiane never fully recovered - spending the last seven years in a coma.

Her mother, Adelheid Kittel, said: "Bryan Adams was always her biggest hero and she loved his music before she fell into a coma. "When I heard about the concert in Regensburg I knew straight away that I had to take her there. I decided that Christiane had to hear him.
"Christiane was sitting in her special wheelchair and suddenly she started showing reactions that for seven years we have been dreaming of. She opened her eyes and actually watched what was going on, she started to move in the wheelchair, and she was totally fascinated by the music and the singer."

Why am I such an idiot?!

Saturday, I drove up to San Francisco from San Diego and made it up just in time to go to dinner with my mom and my cousin. The real fun started after dinner when I realized that my rental car had been towed. (P.S. it was freezing by that time.) Honestly, I had noticed that the car was about 2 INCHES into a driveway, but was clearly not "blocking" it. Anyway, $200 later, I got it out, only to discover this morning that they'd also placed another $75 parking ticket inside the car. Very classy, San Francisco.

Still, this was clearly my fault. Oh, and the reason I feel like a complete idiot? I also lost my wallet a few days earlier on the drive down to San Diego. I really can't afford any more of this. Really. Perhaps I should carry my wallet in one of those travel pouches or cheesy fanny packs from now on.

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

World's Strongest Baby

I'm back home in San Diego! Last night I visited my cousin Tira and her family. This is a picture of her son, Hayden. He doesn't stop moving for two seconds and is fond of pulling the little hairs out of the back of peoples' necks. Hayden' older brother Hunter is also quite a handful. Hunter got mad at me when I wouldn't give him this air freshner thing he'd given me as a "present" and then tried to take back. He told me to "get in my car and go home," but we eventually made up. I think stubborness runs in my family.

Apparently, Keanu Reeves is not gay

Yesterday, Maleeda and I grabbed some margaritas at this little Mexican food place in LA. Keanu Reeves was there with this girl (girlfriend?) and some other guy. They came out onto the patio and sat about 5 feet from us, and he proceeded to make out with the girl repeatedly and smoke many cigarettes. I was really having a hard time concentrating on maintaining a converstation with Wags and playing it cool. I kept wanting to quote lines from Point Break ("I am an F-B-I agent!") and Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure, but I managed to refrain. Wags wouldn't let me take a picture so we didn't look touristy. By the way, he was wearing this black crushed velvet suit on a really hot day with white running shoes and no socks.