Wednesday, June 29, 2005

i heart NY

just wanted to make a short list of things i love about new york:
1. pizza - not a big surprise
2. the subway - just so insanely convenient
3. random people watching
4. random people meeting
5. not being bored
6. wandering around aimlessly
7. wandering around and you realize that you know where you are
8. priceline for hotels (for us weekend Westchester commuters)

not such a fan of:
1. freakin' humidity
2. hemorraging cash (i.e. $3.95 diet coke)
3. walking in heels
4. that lady in washington square park that was sitting on a bench flossing her teeth for about a 1/2 hour (thanks for pointing that out Wags)

Posted by Hello


Anonymous said...

It wasn't the act of flossing so much as it was letting the floss, threaded between two teeth, hang there while conversing with her husband. Sign me up for one of those! Talk about unconditional love...

Darv said...

Ewwww... I once saw somebody flossing in the mall the other day. I blame those crest brush stips they sell. Now personal hygine is public. >_<

Darv said...

I always liked Chi-Town pizza better then NYC pizza. Personal preference i guess. Both are good though.

Mona said...

I found you by randomly leafing through blogs....great things to love, and a woman flossing for 1/2 an hour? Wow.

Now I'm craving pizza.

Fun site!