Tuesday, November 24, 2009

I want to be in pictures! on the radio!

Listening to podcasts is one of my favorite past times. This American Life, Wait Wait Don't Tell Me, The Moth, Fresh Air, Pregtastic, Savage Love.... the list goes on and on, but those are my current favs. Usually I only listen to these while in transit - while driving or walking Maeby - but since Mateo was born, I've found that I don't have nearly enough transit time to listen to all of the programs I want.

So, I've started plugging my ipod into speakers and listening while I'm at home playing with Little M, instead of watching TV or listening to music. It's a whole different kind of experience. I can be more engaged with him.

Anyway, I just discovered http://transom.org/ - a website that has all kinds of information on how to get started creating your own radio programs. I am so down for this. Who's with me??

The pictures above have nothing really to do with this post. Just thought I'd post something about my "other children", Maeby and Kittens, since M has been getting all the camera love lately.

Sunday, November 01, 2009

"All of the candy corn that was ever made was made in 1911" - Lewis Black

Another first yesterday. Mateo's first Halloween!

Unlike his father, he did not love dressing up. I guess he takes after me in something at least because I'm not a fan of dressing up either. Of course it could be that M just didn't like the wussy pea pod costume we got him. But what are you gonna do? He's 9 weeks old. Notice our neighbors downstairs dressed their son Daniel (2 months older than M) as Batman. Insult to injury to M's ego, I guess.

Now that I have a child, I think that takes some of the heat off me from having to dress up every year. Also, I look forward to next year when M can provide some input on what he will be. I imagine it will be superhero related and Steve will also go all out in his costume as well.

Final Halloween thought - every year I am tempted to eat a Jolly Rancher, and every year I remember how much I dislike them.... why?? See also: Candy corn. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L8yuvMsvNqY