Sunday, November 27, 2005

nightwatch man

i was just coming home tonight after getting a drink, and i came across our building's nightwatch man hanging out in his little alcove. he was just sitting there munching on a bag of Cheetos, and it nearly made me stop in my tracks. I just said hi and kept walking, but it made me think - what is this man doing here, eating Cheetos and watching some building that will never be burgled in this sleepy little town? he's at least eighty years old and i wonder what made him end up here of all places. it just bothers me for some reason, but what do i know? i'm tired and sleepy.

Saturday, November 26, 2005


As you know, my digital camera has been dead, dead, dead for about 6 months now. It was stuck in the on position, and no amount of fresh new batteries could make it do more than whir and sputter.

So imagine my surprise when I put some new batteries in it yesterday, and it came back to life. It is working perfectly now and I am beside myself. Who know why this happened, but I'm not going to question it.

This could really not come at a more convenient time as I have recently become obsessed with Vice Magazine's Do and Don'ts ( - thanks to my brother giving me a compliation book of them last month during my visit to SF. I am inspired to now snap shots of notably dressed strangers at every turn and mock them in this forum, although I am still a bit afraid to actually take their pictures on the sly. If I could be half as funny as the guy that writes that column for Vice, I think I would die happy.

BTW, these pics at the top are 1) my fav chair, bought for only $10, that just hangs out in my bedroom for no reason whatsoever and 2) the bizarre glass passageway in my building that looks like it should be in Versailles or the Tavern on the Green or something.

Thursday, November 24, 2005


I am stufffffed. Well, actually it's been a few hours since we ate, and I am recovering nicely. Quite a dinner Ames and I made though. I wish we coulda taken pictures. I was not worried about most of the cooking, but was terrified to make gravy. Everyone always talks about how hard it is, but once we got through the whole giblet/no giblets debate(we decided on none), it was no trouble at all. I don't know why people whine about it so much.

Later we saw Walk the Line. Loved it. I think I should put on some Johnny Cash right now.

Oh, and last thing. I bought my ticket for Chile yesterday. So i'm really going. Jan 1st through February 15th. Phew.

Sunday, November 13, 2005


(pic of Raya with her chocolate turkey from See's candy.)
Just got home from a trip out to SF. Man am I homesick now. Probably more so because it's pretty unlikely I'll be moving back to California anytime soon. At least I got to see a lot of friends and family. And I'll be back to SD next month. And, yes...I realize that it's my choice to live so far away (but that doesn't mean i don't regret it a little sometimes).

Okay, quite recap of my day. It was long.

wake up waaay too early
car to rental car place
bus to air train
air train to SFO
plane to Dallas
air train to other terminal
shuttle bus to really far away terminal
realized that we are at wrong terminal
take the bus back
miss plane!
rest, get a latte, check mail
air train to other terminal
plane to Indy
shutte bus to car
car to Trader Joe's
swing by Chipotle
drive an hour home
get distracted by blog (right now)
sleep (soon, I hope)


Sunday, November 06, 2005

Nobody Puts Baby In the Corner

Last night was a refreshing night on the town in B-town. I had no intentions of going out, but after a few very potent glasses of sangria at the Latin MBA club pre-party, I put on a twirly skirt and headed to Second Story for salsa night. It was my first time there, and it seemed very much like a scene out of Dirty Dancing. More specifically, I felt like Jennifer Grey at the beginning of the movie when she really sucked at dancing. No matter though, it was loads of fun anyway. It was nice to get my mind of school and interviewing for a minute, and focus on other matters such as how badly I speak Spanish. I'm still a little worried about my upcoming trip to Chile in January. Thank heavens my classes will be in English!

Thursday, November 03, 2005


Right now, my life consists mainly of studying or practicing for interviews. Quite the exciting life I lead.

Oh, here's a pic from Halloween though. Much to my chagrin, I dressed up (Happy Birthday Amy!). That night turned out to be pretty interesting, and not just when I ran my head into a pole on the front porch because I was laughing so hard at Bmac's Scarface impression. ("You want to know something about girls?...They like ice cream.) Our team dominated flip cup, which is one of the more important skills I have learned in the last year and a half.