Thursday, August 30, 2007

"My Only Friend is Guitar Hero"

I was at a concert last night where you could text messages and they would appear on the big screens onstage. (Yay technology!) Anyway, that was probably my favorite text of the night. At first, I thought it was kind of sad. And then I thought, dammit, why haven't I played that game yet?!! I can't help but thinking there's a growing list of things I plan to do, and I keep forgetting all about them. Like I'm gonna wake up one day when I'm 80, and think, "Did I forget to take my pills today?" and then all of sudden realize, no, that's not it -- I forgot to play Guitar Hero!! Blasted.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

In Defense of Parking Ticket Offenders Everywhere

How come on cop shows (I've been watching a lot of Dexter lately), whenever they have some suspect, and they are looking up that person's record, they say stuff like, "Nope, this guy has lived here 15 years and never had so much as a parking ticket". It's generally said in a way as to imply that s/he is less likely to be the murderer/thief/bad guy because of this.

Are parking tickets somehow the gateway to larger crimes? If so, I could be in some serious trouble.