Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Grandma Alice - testing the vlog frontier

Kevin Wickham suggested I start video-blogging. I'm not really sure how this works, but I'm determined to figure it out.

This video I took yesterday when we were trimming my grandma's christmas tree. My grandma cracks me up. Actually, this video was a little bit longer and funnier, but i'm having technical difficulties. I'll work on this later. (Director's note: my voice is waaay louder than it should be in this b/c i was holding the camera. I will try to be quiter in the future.)

View this clip on Vimeo

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jorli, I love it. I told Mom about it and she thought it was fun. I had to explain it a couple of times as she still is unsure what the internet is. Aunt Bonnie