Wednesday, September 07, 2005

This blog is just hobbling along

So, good news. My neighbor just paid me $140 to trade parking spots with him. Granted, the parking spot I had was pretty sweet, and I'm not the best perpindicular parker. (Note: I do excel in parallel parking.) Still, his car is much bigger than my little Focus, so it was the nice to do, I guess. Let's just hope I don't crash into the pole next to my new spot.

Incidentally, my room is going on 4 days now being insanely spotless. I'm not sure how long I can keep this up, but it sure is fun for now.

Not much else new. Lots of school. Every night before I fall asleep I've still been reading from a non-school book. Too bad the one I'm reading right now is insanely depressing. All the people are starving and killing babies - it's horrible. On a lighter note, I just finished The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay which was super.


Anonymous said...

Very generous of you to give up your prime parking spot Jor! I think that is a good deed that should get you through the month or possibly even the year without having to do any more. Nice work on keeping the room spotless! All I can say is thank god for closets, utility rooms, the underside of beds, ovens, and the little drawer under my oven!

JB said...

Thanks for commenting Bri! I thought no one read this anymore. You'd better come out here again for Thanksgiving so you can see the clean room firsthand! Indiana misses you. So does Bullwinkles!

Anonymous said...

that's a hot looking focus

Anonymous said...

i read i! i'll send you more pictures.