Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Who travels with a cat? Besides crazy people...

Here's Gia midway en route from California to Indiana. It's surprising that Ann and I weren't killed on that drive. Anyway, the reason I bring this up now is b/cI have to take her with me on a plane this Saturday so she can stay in SF this summer. And then I thought about how ridiculous I will look carrying a cat around the airport at my layover in Denver. I'm not one of those ladies with 5 cats that knits them sweaters or something. Plus, I'm also worried that Gia might scratch somebody's eyes out, which is a real possibility.
Posted by Hello


Anonymous said...

I can see your boobies in the reflection.

Anonymous said...

Jorli, I've been knitting cat sweaters for years. Aint no thing! Maybe you should blog about your candle collection.

PS "Like your tits in that top"

xo Wags

Anonymous said...


There is a very specific reason why you and I were not killed on that long journey for San Diego to Chicago. That reason is this: Gia and I have a very unique realtionship based on mutual respect. I don't like her. She doesn't like me. We stay out of each other's way. Now if Amy would have been in the car . . . let's just say Gia would proabably be serving 20 to life.

Anonymous said...

AAAWWWWW -- my good friend Gia.

Anonymous said...

Try traveling with 3 across 3 states! If you dress up your cat you can be as crazy as that dachshund lady!:o)