Sunday, August 15, 2010

Botox Schmotox

A few weeks ago, a friend of mine (same age as me) told me that she's started using Botox for "frown lines". This completely freaked me out on several levels. Firstly, people MY AGE (34) are getting plastic surgery?! Okay, that's probably a super naive reaction, but it was my genuine first thought. Secondly, my friend who told me this is just absolutely beautiful. If she does, in fact, have any visible frown lines, then I'm sure they just make her look a little wiser or cooler or something.

Then, I came across this article in the NYTimes the other day about an abundance of TEENAGERS using Botox. I am so ready to rant about this, but really, is there a need? Clearly, this is fucked up. Enough said.

The bottom line, as I see it, is this (and I know this is cliche, but only because it's true)... None of these physical procedures will make you a beautiful person. Not beautiful in the way that matters. As soon as you get to know someone well, their physical attributes pretty much melt away anyway, and what you are left with is the essence of who they are. What their actions are. How they make you feel when you're around them.

Sure, you want to look your best. By all means, make sure you have decent grooming habits and put a little effort into your appearance from time to time. Especially if that makes you feel good.

But really, if you want to be beautiful, just be a wonderful person. People will see that in you. If you're an asshole but you look gorgeous on the surface, who gives a damn? You won't be fooling people for long. (Author's note: My Botox using friend is NOT an asshole, she is a lovely person.)

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SKIN DEEP: This Teenage Girl Uses Botox. No, She’s Not Alone.
Doctors inject teenagers with Botox for a variety of perceived flaws, from a too-gummy smile to a too-square jaw.

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