Thursday, February 01, 2007

Gotta love Astoria

I'm trying to keep up with my goal of posting more to this blog, so it's just gonna haveta be that I'm gonna end up posting stuff that may be at times sub-par. Just a warning in general, not about this posting.
So, I'm still trying to work on meeting people in my 'hood. Don't get me wrong, I love going to Manhattan and all, but it would be nice to meet some people here in Astoria. Strategy #1 to extend my network here was joining the Astoria myspace group. The group is awesome. They crack me up.

So it turns out there's this online tv show called "We Need Girlfriends", which is all filmed in Astoria. I can't say that I'm 100% in love with the program (and perhaps I'm not the target age group), but it's sorta cute and I'm happy to see all the local shots. You can check it out here:

Oh, and if I had to pick, I'd be on Team Tom.

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