Saturday, April 05, 2008

National Treasure – Day of Reckoning

Sure, sometimes I like to make snap judgments. One example is when I first watched the preview for the movie National Treasure: Book of Secrets. I didn’t see the first installment of this movie franchise, but as soon as I saw the preview for the sequel, I renamed it “National Treasure – Day of Reckoning” and would say in one breath whenever I saw a tv commercial or billboard for it “OhGodThereItIsNationalTreasureDayOfReckoningTheWorstMovieofAllTime!!!” If you’d "like to confirm this, just ask Steve or Ang, who had to put up with me saying this all the time.

Looking back, it was a little unfair. Fun, but unfair probably.

Anyway, today I’m stuck on an airplane, and guess what I’m stuck with watching? Yep. I could have just not watched I guess, but after about 15 minutes, curiosity of the badness got the best of me.

Here are a few of my favorite quotes:

“The president’s secret book… for presidents, by presidents and for presidents’ eyes only.”

"Of course somebody else is after the treasure. It’s the axiom of treasure hunting."

“’s tee time chaps.”

“This is an extinct, exceedingly rare language.” (which one is it?)

“Your great great grandfather killed President Lincoln1” – spoken by a random 6 year old

“Last time I checked, we pretty much make our living off crazy.”

aaaaaaaaaaaaand my favorite:

“He carved Mount Rushmore in order to erase the map’s landmarks that would lead to the City of Gold.”

So is it the worst movie of all time? You tell me.

p.s. Helen Mirren plays Nick Cage's mom in this. what??

p.p.s. I suspect that the people sitting on either side of me must be really wondering what the hell I'm doing typing down quotes from this trainwreck of a movie. It's a risk I have to take though.


Anonymous said...

They should've given Nicholas Cage a wooden hand like they did in Moonstruck. I would've given the movie 4 stars for that...I also love the idea of one dude carving Mt. Rushmore with a paring knife or something.

Anonymous said...

thanks jor . . . this was near the top of my netflix list, right between "No Country for Old Men" and "Eagle vs. Shark" . . . but you have now saved me one Netflix rental . . .I owe you! phew . . . that was close!