Saturday, November 26, 2005


As you know, my digital camera has been dead, dead, dead for about 6 months now. It was stuck in the on position, and no amount of fresh new batteries could make it do more than whir and sputter.

So imagine my surprise when I put some new batteries in it yesterday, and it came back to life. It is working perfectly now and I am beside myself. Who know why this happened, but I'm not going to question it.

This could really not come at a more convenient time as I have recently become obsessed with Vice Magazine's Do and Don'ts ( - thanks to my brother giving me a compliation book of them last month during my visit to SF. I am inspired to now snap shots of notably dressed strangers at every turn and mock them in this forum, although I am still a bit afraid to actually take their pictures on the sly. If I could be half as funny as the guy that writes that column for Vice, I think I would die happy.

BTW, these pics at the top are 1) my fav chair, bought for only $10, that just hangs out in my bedroom for no reason whatsoever and 2) the bizarre glass passageway in my building that looks like it should be in Versailles or the Tavern on the Green or something.


Anonymous said...

i told you i had a good present for you. i'm glad you went form seemingly uninterested (or just plain tired) to obsessed.

my verification word below is "pevsk". that's a cool word. it should mean something cool.

Anonymous said...

When I first saw this pic, I thought it was a prison. I was concerned :-)

Anonymous said...

Love the photos. The glass hallway is wonderful. Aren't digital cameras fun, you can take pics of unexpected things and if they aren't good just hit delete. I've spent lots of money on bad photos over the years. And with my pack-rat tendencies I keep even the bad ones!