Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Apparently, Keanu Reeves is not gay

Yesterday, Maleeda and I grabbed some margaritas at this little Mexican food place in LA. Keanu Reeves was there with this girl (girlfriend?) and some other guy. They came out onto the patio and sat about 5 feet from us, and he proceeded to make out with the girl repeatedly and smoke many cigarettes. I was really having a hard time concentrating on maintaining a converstation with Wags and playing it cool. I kept wanting to quote lines from Point Break ("I am an F-B-I agent!") and Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure, but I managed to refrain. Wags wouldn't let me take a picture so we didn't look touristy. By the way, he was wearing this black crushed velvet suit on a really hot day with white running shoes and no socks.


Anonymous said...

After describing his outfit, he really must not be gay...

Anonymous said...

He is still hot in crushed Velvet. I think it could make him look smarter too!

Anonymous said...