Sunday, July 23, 2006

One of the proudest moments in my life....and i MISSED it!

okay, for those of you that aren't familiar with the sharing site,, it's awesome. in a nutshell, people submit links to cool articles, websites, pictures, whatever...and then other people vote on if the like it by giving a positive or negative point. anyway, so many people vote on this site that the end result is that there are consistently good recommendations (updated constantly) to some of the most interesting stuff on the internet.

so, i've been checking reddit regularly since my brother told me about it a few months ago, and i've tried in vain to submit things to get enough votes to merit being placed on the reddit home page. sadly, all of these previous attempts failed miserably. last week i posted this dolphin-training article from the nytimes up, but never followed up on it. low and behold, i saw today that it frickin killed! 447 points!! that's unheard of. i almost cried.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Back in action

Um yeah. I don't even want to start by apologizing all again about sucking at blogging because you've heard it before. I was really just taking a break for awhile. And then you know how it is when you keep putting something off like this, and then you feel like if you start up again, you should really have something fabulous to write about. Well....not really the case, but I'm writing anyway.

However, I will add this...reason #117 why I love Astoria: If you need a gastroenterologist, you can find one within 3 blocks.

Although I've had so much fun traveling to a plethora of weddings lately (Congrats Kelsi&Vince, Hillary&Jason, Jess&Troy and Can&Paul!!), I am severely looking forward to hanging out at home for the forseeable future. Especially now that I have a couch (pictured here). And it folds out for you friends that want to visit NYC. :)

Okay, and I know that Amy sent this story out to some of you via e-mail, but I swear I was already planning on posting this gem of an story about Mickey Rouke's pinky. I hope now that he realizes how important it is to have 2 full length pinkys. I should know. Crazy bastard!